In the Christmas account of the angels announcing to the shepherds the birth of Jesus Christ, we're told in verse 10 that they brought "good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." Then again in verse 17 it states that the shepherds "made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child."
Christmas is a unique time to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mangers are on display and Christmas hymns are sung everywhere.
Some one has said that our witness at Christmas can be...
Like a turtle. Just withdraw and hide.
Like a chameleon. Just blend in with the crowd.
Like the Christmas star. Clearly point others to Christ and lead them to trust Him as their personal Savior.
The first two (turtle and chameleon) leave people lost and unsaved. The "Christmas star" however leaves at least an influence for Christ and His Gospel.
Here are ten tips to help our Christmas witness for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Resolve to Spend Time in Earnest Prayer. James 5:16, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." I do not think it is a good idea to enter a Christmas gather of family and friends with our "Gospel guns" blazing and declaring that everyone that doesn't get saved here and now will burn in the Devil's Hell for all eternity.
All witnessing and soul winning begins and ends with prayer. Saturate all Christmas get-togethers with earnest prayer. Pray for wisdom, tact, and the filling of the Holy Ghost.
Recruit Others to Pray With You for Unsaved Friends and Family.
Selectively chose known prayer warriors who will confidentially pray with you for the salvation of your lost loved ones.
Reflect the Love of God in My Interaction with Friends and Family.
My spiritual health is an important factor in my soul winning's effectiveness. I need to go the "extra mile" to be helpful and kind, remembering that Jesus came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister. Forgive any and all past wrongs and sincerely love each person I come into contact with.
Retain a Faithful Testimony. Our family and friends are watching us to see if our faith is real and if our life matches our lips. The closer my relationship is with a person, the more important it is that my testimony is genuine and consistent.
Rely Upon Christmas Services and Special Programs. Most Independent Baptist Churches will have various evangelistic Christmas programs and outreaches. Take advantage of these with friendly invitations for friends and family.
Recognize Opportunities to Share the Gospel. Listen carefully in conversations for the right time to introduce the Gospel. Anticipate opportunities to share your faith and the plan of salvation. We can initiate opportunities by placing Gospel tracts in Christmas cards and gifts, host neighborhood Christmas dinners and share the Gospel or invite your preacher to present the plan of salvation, give Gospel books as gifts, or write out your testimony and put it in Christmas cards.
Remember to Keep Things Simple. Don't over complicate the message of salvation. Don't get theological. Don't get sidetracked with "religious trivia." If nothing else, a simple Gospel witness my "put a stone in their shoe" and give them something to think about in the coming days.
Request God to Send Faithful Christians Across Their Paths.
Sometimes others have inroads with our friends and family that we do not.
Release Them to Walk Away if Not Interested. Most of the time, witnessing to family and close friends is a long-term endeavor. If they are finished listening to you, let them go. Stay calm, don't get angry if they do not respond like you would want them to. Confidence is calm. Faith is calm. Listen to them and be patient.
Retain Your Faith and Hope In God and the Power of the Gospel. If your witness seems to fall on "deaf ears" and seems to have no affect, do not give up hope. Some folks seem to be so hard against the Lord and the Gospel that we're tempted to think it is impossible for them to ever be saved, however, Mark 10: 27 assures us that "...with God, all things are possible." The Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation, so share it with confidence, compassion, and conviction, trusting God to use it in the hearts and lives of our loved ones.
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year to share our faith and to introduce others to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.